企业等级: | 普通会员 |
经营模式: | 生产加工 |
所在地区: | 河北 衡水 |
联系卖家: | 韩经理 先生 |
手机号码: | 15127804950 |
公司官网: | www.qijunweiwan... |
公司地址: | 安平县南张沃村村北300米处 |
发布时间:2020-10-20 00:58:51
Frame is made ofS.S.square tube; both sides are made ofS.S.plate with sliding door (steel wire mesh) easy for ventilation and lighting;
the top is made ofS.S.wire mesh; and the floor is made of we***ed steel wire, flat and ***ooth.
The front is made of steel wire mesh, with accessories such as sliding door, extrusion drwplate, climbing pole, feeder and cardholder;
Water drinking type: Optional automatic watering or 500ml bottle watering
Steel-wire-mesh type extrusion , with triangle protruding device in the middle. When fixing animals for injection or administration, the can hold fast animals, and can be anywhere.
Flushing-type tray, front-back tilt adjustable, can be used to collect urine for metabolic experiment when tray tilts toward the front.
The surface is sandblasted showing metallic semi-gloss in even color, easy for video recording of the monitoring system;
Two nei***oring cages can be connected through lock device. With ***all doors open, animals can run through several cages, thus giving them proper activities.
4”wear-resistant caster with polyurethane brake, not scratching the ground;
产品尺寸:笼架 1200mm*550mm*900mm 笼子 500mm*450*mm*530mm 睡盒 300mm*150mm*200mm 2层*2笼=4笼,内置食盒,外置300ml的饮水瓶,每笼外侧配有一个睡盒。
The front is made of steel wire mesh, with accessories such as sliding door, extrusion drwplate, climbing pole, feeder and cardholder;
Water drinking type: Optional automatic watering or 500ml bottle watering
Steel-wire-mesh type extrusion draplate, with triangle protruding device in the middle. When fixing animals for injection or administration, the drawlate can hold fast animals, and can be poitioned anywhere.
产品尺寸:600mm*700mm*1000mm 配有食盒和水盒
产品描述:1.材料:不锈钢304,25*25*1.0mm不锈钢304方管,带食盒有水盒。 2.托盘:3042B板厚1.0mm 3.钢丝直径:Φ3mm,4个3寸耐高温脚轮。正面中部带可打开的小门,下侧面有可打开移门,实现同规格笼具的整体左右贯通。 4.可根据客户需求定制。
Two nei***oring cages can be connected through lock device. With ***all doors open, animals can run through several cages, thus giving them proper activities.
4”wear-resistant caster with polyurethane brake, not scratching the ground;
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安平县骐骏围栏有限公司 电话:0318-7020013 传真:0318-7020013 联系人:韩经理 15127804950
地址:安平县南张沃村村北300米处 主营产品:钢丝绳编织,桥梁防坠落物安全不锈钢防护网,鸟园,动物园笼舍
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